MIPI Cameras on Raspberry PI5
For an overview over supported camera type, open https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/blob/master/boot/overlays/README
and search for imx219. You will get a list of available kernel modules.
Only 64-bit installations are supported.
The package libcamera0.1
has to be installed. It should be installed per default.
The file /boot/config.txt
should contain/omit the following settings:
dtparam=i2c_param=on dtaparam=i2s=on # disable auto detect # it seems to interfer with the camera init camera_auto_detect=0 # SENSOR is the camera model used, e.g. imx290, imx296, etc. # X is the port used either 0 or 1 dtoverlay=<SENSOR>,cam<X>
After a reboot the camera should be correctly detected. The imx290 requires an additional configuration.
Download and unzip IMX290 Config file
Copy "pi/imx290.json" to "/usr/share/libcamera/ipa/rpi/pisp/imx290.json".
For tools execute "sudo apt install rpicam-apps libcamera-tools".
To list cameras:
cam -l
To display a sample live stream
libcamera-raw --camera <X> -t 0 --width 1920 --height 1080 --framerate 30
Where X is the list number of cam -l.
36SX296 Sensor board
Place the attached file 36sx296.dtbo in the /boot/firmware/overlays folder on the Raspberry PI 5.
Edit the /boot/firmware/config.txt file and replace the line dtoverlay=imx296 with: dtoverlay=36sx296.
Then reboot.
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