Using 22er, 42er and 72er Cameras in Linux

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The cameras of the 2U Series

  • DFK 22AUC03
  • DFK 22BUC03
  • DMK 22AUC03
  • DMK 22BUC03
  • DFK 42AUC03
  • DFK 42BUC03
  • DMK 42AUC03
  • DMK 42BUC03
  • DFK 72AUC02
  • DFK 72BUC02
  • DMK 72AUC02
  • DMK 72BUC02

need a special firmware to be v4l2 compatible in Linux. The firmware files and the update program are in the Github repository at TheImagingSource/tcam-firmware-update Repository. This repository must be cloned and the update program must be compiled. For doing so, a terminal window is opened and following steps are to be processed:

git clone
cd tcam-firmware-update
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
cd bin

The camera must be connected by now. Following is entered to get the current camera data:

$ ./tcam-firmware-update -l

Found 1 device(s).

Name           - ID        - Serialnumber
DFK 72BUC02    - 199e:8207 - 15810834

Knowing the serial number of the camera, the update of the firmware in the camera can be performed:

$ ./tcam-firmware-update -u -f ../../firmware/usb2/dfk72uc02_3012.euvc -d 15810834

!!! Attention !!!
This action could break your camera.

Do you really want to proceed? [y/N] y
Firmware Size: 19968 EEPROM Size: 32768
    100 %

Upload successful!
Please reconnect your camera.

After reconnecting the camera it is checked, whether the udpate was successful:

$./tcam-firmware-update -i -d 15810834

Device manufacturer: The Imaging Source Europe GmbH
Product name:        DFK 72BUC02
Serial number:       15810834
VendorID:ProductID:  199e:8207
Firmware version:    3012
UVC mode is:         on
Camera EEPROM size:  32768

The Linux firmware 3012 is in the camera and the camera can be used as v4l2 device now.

The Linux firmware versions have four digits, while the Windows versions have three digits only.

The DxM (module cameras) and DxK (housed cameras) use the same firmware.

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